Papa Charlie towards Portugal

See below our photo story on our fantastic multiday spring trip towards Portugal. I never made it to Lisbon, but Papa Charlie and the other two pilots did!

Flights were:

Day 1

  • Lille – Valence (VFR)
  • Valence – Castillon (IFR) (I was PIC)

Day 2

  • Castillon – La Calderera (VFR) (weather stop)
  • La Calderera – Cordoba (VFR)

Day 3

  • Cordoba – Sevilla (VFR) (weather stop) (I was PIC)

Day 4, 5, 6 and 7

  • After that Papa Charlie continued its journey to Cascais, Lisbon, Portugal and flew back via Castellon to Lille in the capable hands of the other pilots (no pictures of these legs)

Click on the “i” to get a description of every photo. Enjoy!

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One Reply to “Papa Charlie towards Portugal”

  1. Hugo Verledens

    Hi Steven , LPPM is ook mooi vliegveldje , ik vlieg daar af en toe met een Cessna van 7Air .


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