A Slow Flight to India – Day 4 – Kuwait-Muscat

I woke up in a very positive spirit: today we would fly the full Persian Gulf from Kuwait (OKKK) to Muscat, Oman (OOMS): a slightly shorter flight than previous days (6,5hrs)  … and it was my birthday as well ! Even more, it was also Jaxon’s birthday and he was just half my age 😊.

From the city center of Kuwait City, we drove back to the airport and the heat was already building up. Last nite we had bought some breakfast items in the shopping mall and we enjoyed that decision and the food.

We took off from runway 33L and with a wide right turn over the city, we were quickly over the water of the Persian Golf. After Kuwait Approach, we spoke with Bahrein who could not get us on radar at first on our cruise altitude of 8000ft. We followed one of the many airways that cross the Gulf from northwest to southeast.

After Bahrein, we talked to Doha Control: this was clearly an American controller working there. The same in UAE when we spoke to their controller. That controller recleared us away from Dubai so we coasted in slightly north over Abu Dhabi where the land winning, the constructions in that bustling city, the F1 circuit, the huge airport came into view under our wings. It was still very hot, but at our altitude it was bearable.

We had avoid Al Ain airport by the south and we passed into Omani airspace. The border was clearly visible because the land developments in the Emirates basically stopped. The landscape became rougher and after a while we were over the Hajar mountain range with peaks of more than 5000ft. Little roads, ravine with small trees, oasis at the feet of the ravines: a very compelling landscape after the Saudi desert and the Persian Gulf !

Once over the mountains, we took a shortcut towards the huge airport of Muscat along the north coast. The country impressed as being well organised and laid back at the same time with nice villages at the coast and a developed tourism in that mountain range.

We got cleared to the ILS for runway 23R at Muscat (OOMS), and the follow-me car brought us to the southern side. After refuelling, we were brought to a very nice and posh lounge of the Jetex FBO with plenty of drinks but alas no food.

Our lounge visit took somewhat longer than foreseen, but we arrived in time at our beachside hotel to enjoy a lovely birthday dinner with genuine Iranian food: total satisfaction today!

Tomorrow is already our last flight of this ferry: the longest overwater stretch from Muscat, Oman (OOMS) over the Indian Ocean to the west of India: Ahmedabad (VAAH).

Stay tuned !

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