De Video Over Ons Avontuur Naar Oshkosh – Along the Blue Spruce Routes to the USA
Dit is de video over ons vliegavontuur naar en van Oshkosh in de zomer van 2023. Gemaakt door RateOne magazine, waarvoor dank !
Dit is de video over ons vliegavontuur naar en van Oshkosh in de zomer van 2023. Gemaakt door RateOne magazine, waarvoor dank !
Freedom sometimes just means a takeoff with Piper Seneca III from runway 24 at Kortrijk, Belgium airport (EBKT) on my way south into France.
Flying the CIV6L SID at Lille Lesquin (LFQQ) with the Piper Turbo Arrow III: from gloom to sunrays ! December 2018 Score: The Kiss from The Cure
(en français) Un vol VFR relax de Lille Lesquin (LFQQ) vers Reims Prunay (LFQA) avec Fred (pilote) et Luc (passager). Merci pour le champagne, Fred!
Last year we did two big trips: one to Portugal and one back from Dakar. This year we had some brainstormings of where we could go: we considered going back Continue Reading →
The Delta 81 Boeing 767 was full. It was sitting idle on the ramp, ready for its flight to Atlanta. Well, almost ready: there was frost on the wings, and Continue Reading →
Last Sunday I flew a typical GA IFR profile from Kortrijk (EBKT) to Deauville (LFRG) and back: climbing as fast as possible with a non-turbo single engine piston through and Continue Reading →
Up till now, I have been a pilot-who-did-not-own-a-portable-GPS. This meant flying either by dead-reckoning, pilotage and/or radio beacons. Unless if there was a GPS built into the airplanes (which happened Continue Reading →