The Author & this Blog

- Adventurous Aviator
- Flight Instructor
- Aircraft Owner
- Airplane Broker
- Ferry Pilot
I am commercial pilot and flight instructor based in the western part of Belgium. I fly mainly from Kortrijk (EBKT).
I started flying in June 2001 in Malaysia and currently have more than 1400 hours of flying time. I was the first European to convert my FAA instrument rating into an EASA one through the new CB-IR route.
When 47 years old, I passed my EASA ATPL theory course and exams in three months. Since then, I added my CPL, Multi-engine and Flight Instructor ratings.
This blog was started in 2007 to document my flying experiences in word, pictures and videos. It was updated to WordPress format end 2014. I added posts before 2007 to document my basic training and some earlier stories.
This blog is mainly written in English to accommodate to a wider international audience. Some articles are in Dutch so my local friends and family can read along.
EASA Flight Crew License Commercial Pilot Aeroplanes
- with Single Engine and Multi Engine Piston Airplane class ratings
- with EASA Class 1 medical certificate
- with level 6 English language proficiency
- with night rating
- with Instrument Ratings
- with PBN privileges
- frozen ATPL(A) Theory Knowledge passed
- Multi-engine Piston class rating
EASA Flight Instructor License FI(A)
- Still Restricted
- with Night instruction privileges
- with Instrument Rating Instruction (IRI) privileges
Malaysian Private Pilot’s License (PPL) Aeroplanes (expired)
- with Group A Landplanes rating
- with DCA Class 2 medical certificate
- with level 4 English language proficiency
United States of America FAA Private Pilot License (piggyback §61.75)
- with Airplane Single & Multi Engine Land class rating
- with instrument rating passed
- with complex aircraft endorsement
- with Garmin G1000 endorsement
- with high performance endorsement
- with high altitude endorsement
- with level 6 English language proficiency
© This website and text are copyright of, and the URL is owned by Steven Luys, Belgium. All pictures and movies are copyright of Steven Luys, his friends or family.
The information contained in this web site should not be used as sole information for flight preparation or training. This information might not be correct, accurate, complete, objective or up to date. The author of this web site accepts no liability or responsibility for the usage and correctness of the information, pictures or tips in this web site.
Amazing blog!! I was wondering if you have any tips for the English PPL exam in Belgium? Do you recommend any database to prepare myself for the exam?
I assume that the Belgian CAA is using a similar question database as all the other EASA CAAs, so my advise is to studio the qb of or the likes
I have a couple of questions for you. I currently have a FAA ppl with ifr licence and a comercial licence in Chile with more than 300 hours. I would liek to know if it possible to convert my faa licence to an easa licence. how long it would take and how expensive.
I have french nationality by the way.
Dear Cem,
Thank you for your reaction.
Yes, it is possible to convert your FAA PPL+IR into an EASA license if you have more then 100 hrs PIC time and more then 50 hrs time under an IFR flightplan.
You should contact the authorities of the country you want to do it for details, but it will entail:
* Need to have an EASA medical (class 1, or class 2 + audio)
* Flight test for PPL
* Flight test for IR
* Probably Air Law & Human Factors as theory exam
* Some form of theory exam for your IR
Where do you want to do it? France?
Good luck!
Dear Steven,
I have just read „IFR Training Before the Rating” on flyingmag and already signed up to your Monthly Flying Tips
I’m writing to you as a Certified Flight Instructor of the 2008 to ask your valuable opinion concerning freshly launched IFR application.
As a Hungarian marketer, I support a young pilot team – who has a great pilot friendly IFR Flight Simulator app – just released to worldwide.
It is a well designed instrument procedure trainer for every aviation pilots: from the newbie doing his initial nav training to the experienced avionics captain… but it also a good tool if you are about to acquire an IR (Instrument Rating) or just brush up your IFR skills.
It is a unique navigation app both in simplicity and operability.
But we need help cracking the chicken-and-egg problem: it doesn’t have enough reviews to display a rating, so many pilots won’t even try it, and thus there aren’t many reviews.
In so far as it is possible I kindly ask your professional thoughts regarding this app:
IFR Flight Simulator:
(No purchase necessary and any kind of reviews are welcome)
I would be grateful if you could have spared time to look at it (it takes only few minutes) and it would mean a massive help if you share your opinion with your follower as well
Thanks for reading – and all of your advices, and constructive criticisms are welcome.
Best regards,
István Dobó
Hi Steven,
I am in a similar situation as you were in the past – based in Belgium, with an FAA private + instrument rating. I’m now halfway into training at Grimbergen airport, passed the two writtens, got the medical + english proficiency. But there’s an FE telling that only certain ATO’s can do conversions. I spent a lot of time researching this but i cannot find the answers. He also implied my flying club (a DTO) would definitely not be authorized.
Do you have any insights on this? Did you use a Belgian ATO, and if so, which one?
Happy to buy you a beer for helping out.
Hello Wessel,
Thank you for reaching out.
In 2014, I did this without ATO or DTO: I trained on myself, contacted the BCAA and got appointed an examiner. But times might have changed.
My advise: contact the BCAA via email and ask them to comment on your case without instigating the DTO or ATO route. Their advise than counts as your next step of action.
Hope this helps …
Hello Steven,
can you help with exam prep ?
What help do you need?
Hello Steven,
Would you mind sending me the link to your ATPL notes please? I’m doing the exams now and I find your story very inspiring and motivating.
Kind regards